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How to Treat Fungal Infections in the Toenails

How to Treat Fungal Infections in the Toenails

Women pay more attention to their toes than men; after all, men rarely wear open-toed shoes while women look for opportunities to flaunt their high heels. However, nail fungus or onychomycosis can affect both men and women. A healthy nail can be described as having a pink section and a white section.
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All You Need to Know about Eczema

All You Need to Know about Eczema

Eczema can be regarded as a catch-all term which is used for describing a host of medical conditions which represents itself in itchy, bumpy and rough skin conditions owing to inflammation as well as irritation. Eczema skin condition is most commonly referred to as atopic dermatitis, which typically begins at a very young age.
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Best Hemorrhoid Remedies that you should know about

Best Hemorrhoid Remedies that you should know about

Hemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen veins that are located in the smooth muscles of the walls of the rectum and anus, similar to blood vessels. When the walls of these vessels are stretched, they get disturbed. They are rarely dangerous and usually clear up in a couple of weeks. However, you should see your doctor to make sure it does not aggravate and become critical.
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Chronic Constipation – An Overview

Chronic Constipation – An Overview

Constipation refers to a condition when bowel movements are less than three per week. If the condition lasts longer than a few weeks, it is called chronic constipation. It can occur due to many different reasons. A chronic constipation treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Symptoms of chronic constipation Some of the most common symptoms that indicate chronic constipation include the following:
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4 Different Types of Blood Glucose Tests You Must Know

4 Different Types of Blood Glucose Tests You Must Know

A blood glucose test helps you to quantify the levels of sugar in your blood. The level of glucose is controlled by a hormone known as insulin which is produced by the pancreas. This hormone helps to convert glucose into energy for the body, thus maintaining the essential balance. However, a person can develop diabetes (an autoimmune disorder), when their body fails to produce an adequate amount of insulin.
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Everything You Need to Know about Plantar Fasciitis

Everything You Need to Know about Plantar Fasciitis

Experiencing a painful sensation in your feet becomes so often that you stop paying any heed to them. You may have realized that it is because you are walking too much or you have hurt your feet somewhere. You continue to suffer the pain without taking any precaution. This is the biggest mistake you are making as unintentionally, you could be suffering from plantar fasciitis.
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