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Effective and East Treatments for Postherpetic Neuralgia

Effective and East Treatments for Postherpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is a painful skin condition caused by the herpes zoster (chickenpox) virus. Once the shingles start to crust and heal, neuralgia sets in, damaging the nerve endings in the skin. This causes a pain that burns and makes the skin sensitive to even the lightest touch. This condition can last from a few months to a year.
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Diverticulitis – Causes, Symptoms, and Diet

Diverticulitis – Causes, Symptoms, and Diet

Diverticulitis is an infection/inflammation that occurs in the intestine of the digestive tract. Small pouches called diverticula start developing along the walls of the intestine. Diverticulitis is a serious condition that may even require surgery. In this condition, there could be a small abscess in the pouches and go on to cause a severe infection or a massive perforation of the bowels.
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Six Essential Ways for a Quick Relief from Rotator Cuff Pain

Six Essential Ways for a Quick Relief from Rotator Cuff Pain

Rotator cuff problems have afflicted us at one or the other point of time in our lives. These make basic activities such as brushing, getting dressed, and combing one’s hair difficult. Rotator cuff problems could afflict anyone, but athletes and sports persons are more vulnerable to this disease. Some Other Names Used to Refer to Rotator Cuff Problems Include:
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5 Popular Mouthpieces to Stop Snoring

5 Popular Mouthpieces to Stop Snoring

Snoring is very common, and you will find most people snoring once in a while. It happens when you are unable to breathe freely through your nose or mouth when you are asleep. This makes the tissues in the surrounding area of the nose and mouth vibrate and makes a sound.
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All You Need to Know about Diabetes Reversal Treatment

All You Need to Know about Diabetes Reversal Treatment

The term diabetes reversal refers to an improvement in the condition of your body’s insulin sensitivity that sustains over a long period. Type II Diabetes 90% of adults have type II diabetes that tends to develop later in life. In type II diabetes, the body fails to produce enough insulin to cope up with the glucose levels in the body.
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Hiatal Hernia Diet for a Healthy Life

Hiatal Hernia Diet for a Healthy Life

A hiatal hernia is a condition when a small part of the stomach slides up through a weak spot in the diaphragm. The stomach acid is pushed into the esophagus causing heartburn and other associated issues. A gastroesophageal reflux disease is one of the most common symptoms of a hiatal hernia.
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