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Treat Heart Afib Naturally with These Simple Steps

Treat Heart Afib Naturally with These Simple Steps

Boost your health the natural way with these heart Afib treatment options. Heart Afib or atrial fibrillation is a condition characterized by irregularly fast heartbeats. It is a type of arrhythmia. For people with normal heart functions, the heart contracts and expands at a regular pace producing a regular heartbeat.
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Top Tips to Prevent Asthma Attacks

Top Tips to Prevent Asthma Attacks

With the increasing number of people diagnosed with this disease, it is of great importance to have accurate knowledge about asthma. Here are a few simple ways to prevent asthma attacks and lead a healthy lifestyle. An asthma attack occurs when the muscles around the airways of your lungs tighten and shut down, this is also known as a bronchospasm.
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Understanding the Basics of the High Blood Pressure Chart

Understanding the Basics of the High Blood Pressure Chart

Blood pressure refers to the force of the blood flowing through your body which is pumped through by the heart. When this force exceeds the standard limit which is considered safe, the resulting condition is known as high blood pressure. There are varying levels of high blood pressure on a high blood pressure chart, and it is estimated that around 80 to 90 million people in the country suffer a variety of health problems due to this condition.
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Understanding The Signs and Symptoms of Heartburn

Understanding The Signs and Symptoms of Heartburn

Heartburn causes a lot of discomfort to those who experience it. It occurs when your stomach acid travels back up into the esophagus, thus causing an irritating and burning sensation. Apart from a burning sensation, one would most likely experience chest pain since the fluid tends to linger in the esophagus. The symptoms of heartburn may last for a long time.
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Understanding The Importance of Blood Sugar Levels Chart

Understanding The Importance of Blood Sugar Levels Chart

Blood sugar is the amount of glucose (sugar) that is present in the blood. For metabolic homeostasis, the body naturally regulates blood glucose levels. The primary source of energy in blood cells and blood lipids is glucose. Blood sugar level is usually low in the morning and rises after one consumed food.
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The Treatments for Shingles You Should Know

The Treatments for Shingles You Should Know

Shingles is a type of skin rash that is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. It usually appears in the form of a band or a strip covering a small area over the face or other parts of the body. It is sometimes also referred to as herpes zoster. Older individuals who have a weaker immune system because of stress, injury, etc., usually suffer from this type of skin rash.
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