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4 human foods that are harmful to dogs

4 human foods that are harmful to dogs

While human foods like fish and milk are safe for dogs, certain other options can harm their health and cause allergic reactions. Unfortunately, many pet parents don’t know this and continue to feed their four-legged friends from their own plate. Keeping this in mind, we’ve put together a list of human foods that are harmful to dogs, including the Chihuahua breed, and some pet food brands like Royal Canin ® and Purina ® that provide healthy alternatives.
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5 human foods that are toxic for cats

5 human foods that are toxic for cats

As a responsible pet parent, you do your best to ensure healthy nutrition and a happy environment for your cats. But it can be hard to resist feeding them a few tidbits off your own plate. However, there are certain human foods that should not be given to cats under any circumstances as they can prove to be life-threatening.
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4 human foods that are safe for cats

4 human foods that are safe for cats

If you have pet cats at home and occasionally feed them from your plate, you must know which foods are safe for them. Cats can be greedy eaters, and irrespective of the cute faces they make at the dinner table, it’s best not to give them anything besides cat food until you’re a hundred percent sure.
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5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

Every pet parent wants their four-legged companion to have a lustrous coat of fur. Having a shiny coat isn’t just about looking pretty, the shein is a reflection of your dog’s good health. You don’t need to splurge on pet-friendly creams and lotions or put in a lot of time grooming your pet.
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6 plants that are toxic to dogs

6 plants that are toxic to dogs

Dogs love smelling things. They want to put their snout on anything that comes across their path, be it garbage on the sidewalk or blossoming flowers in a park or garden. While some things are downright disgusting, other items can be toxic to your dog’s health. Certain plants can cause diarrhea and other serious issues like liver damage.
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7 plants that are toxic to cats

7 plants that are toxic to cats

Cats are smart animals who are typically mindful of what they eat. But sometimes, seeds or pollen of a toxic plant get stuck in their fur or on their paws, and cats may ingest toxic substances while grooming themselves. To avoid this and keep your cat safe, all pet parents should take some time to learn the names of plants that are toxic to their health.
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