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A beginner’s guide to jogging

A beginner’s guide to jogging

Our health has been a major cause of concern since times unknown. There has been an alarming rise in the number of people succumbing to different ailments because of the gross neglect they subject their bodies to. You get a rude wake-up call when climbing two floors leaves you short of breath.
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Here’s how jogging improves your mental health

Here’s how jogging improves your mental health

The need to lead the ideal life’ has coaxed people into accepting pressure as a part of their daily lives. Where does this leave them? At the young age of 30, many people are diagnosed with hypertension and other stress-induced disorders. Well, 30 is not the age where you fall prey to such ailments, 30 is the age where you would take some time off and go globetrotting.
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Here’s why you should jog!

Here’s why you should jog!

Here’s the thing about living in the 21st century, you must choose between the devil and the deep sea. If you wish to enjoy all the luxuries that modern age offers you, you have to make sacrifices at the altar of materialism, which includes your health as well. Your sedentary lifestyle doesn’t allow you to make time for any kind of activity, which would result in major health deterioration and you would realize this only when you get a health scare.
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Jog your way to a perfect body

Jog your way to a perfect body

Our unhealthy lifestyle combined with our inability to take our health seriously has resulted in 3 out of 5 people being overweight. This ratio doesn’t budge a bit because either people can’t figure out how to deal with it or they refuse to accept it. No matter what the cause of rising obesity, the glaring fact is that it is life-threatening.
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