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A look into the construction and maintenance industry

A look into the construction and maintenance industry

For years together, the construction industry has been surging in terms of generating income and employment opportunities, increasing the overall GDP of a country and upgrading the infrastructure of the country. Maintenance has grown hand in hand so as to ensure that the rise is in no way, cut short or short-lived.
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Construction and maintenance: Acquaintance with the terms

Construction and maintenance: Acquaintance with the terms

Construction is the process of making or constructing a building or any kind of infrastructure. Its generic definition pertains particularly to infrastructure and building-making. Construction is a booming industry in the developed and the developing countries, comprising almost 9% of the GDP. It is usually a three-step procedure: Planning, Designing, and Financing.
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Construction and maintenance: A necessity today

Construction and maintenance: A necessity today

Construction is a term that means the science and art required to construct, build or form structures, organizations, and objects. It is derived from the Latin term constructionem’ and the Old French term construction.’ The phases of construction are multiple folds. They are: Vision/fantasy/idea A concept that may or may not be intended to be built (may be a structural design) Proposed A concept that is under review by the owner and the government Approved A concept that will be constructed shortly Design A contract between the owner and the contractor mentioning a detailed specification of what is to be built Procurement The selection of the contractor or contractors to implement the construction plan Diversions Before the construction starts, any services or facilities on the site, which must be operational to serve other adjacent sites, must be diverted.
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Construction and maintenance: The roads to development

Construction and maintenance: The roads to development

Construction is an integral part of human life. It is an activity that has been practiced for ages. The first huts or other residential quarters were constructed using hands or simple tools. Maintenance is an activity that comes along with construction. It is the sector that focuses on the efficient working and the checking and fixing of any crucial functioning unit that is a part of the construction.
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Types of storage options

Types of storage options

Through decades of survival and existence in the furnishing business, the category of storage has continued production and sales through thick and thin of the changing demand structure and that has reshaped the design capabilities of the manufacturers. From being an item or accessory of easy accessibility and comfort to becoming an ideal object of investment which can be made to order as per specifications of the area in which the unit is placed and the requirements of the home owner, storage has become a separate world in itself in the world of furniture and interior design.
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Smart interior decor with the right furniture

Smart interior decor with the right furniture

Interior designing emphasizes on two elements namely, enhancing the beauty of the home or workplace, and secondly making optimal use of the available space. That is why it is important to choose the right furniture for every room. The range from Dump furniture, for instance, is both functional and visually appealing.
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