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What are Symbicort inhalers

What are Symbicort inhalers

Symbicort inhalers are generally prescribed to patients above 12 years of age and whose asthma has not yielded or responded to more conventional forms of treatment. These inhalers contain a corticosteroid budesonide to reduce the inflammation of the bronchi and long acting Beta 2 adrenergic agonist Formoterol for relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi so that they open wider, making breathing easier.
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Pneumonia – Risk factors and classification

Pneumonia – Risk factors and classification

Before the advent of antibiotics, pneumonia claimed many lives. Antibiotics have, at least, tamed and subdued it; however, there are segments of the population who are vulnerable to and people do die of pneumonia. There are quite a few recognizable pneumonia symptoms and risk factors. A few of them have been discussed as follows.
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How to deal with itchy skin

How to deal with itchy skin

You may be suffering from itchy skin because of a number of reasons. From a flea bite to severe conditions like psoriasis, itchy skin can be caused by different medical conditions. The best way to understand it is by diagnosing the itchy skin symptoms. Consulting a doctor will be the ideal way to treat itchy skin symptoms and get a prognosis on measures to be taken to control the itchiness.
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3 asthma treatment options that you should know

3 asthma treatment options that you should know

It is a fact that the main cause of one of the most common respiratory disorders is little known. While it has been observed that asthma may be caused due to genetic factors and physiological and dietary intolerances, it is a fact that it may worsen due to environmental triggers.
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3 common types and causes of hearing loss you should know about

3 common types and causes of hearing loss you should know about

Deafness and hearing loss can range from mild to intense. These can have multiple causes and can occur at any age. Hearing loss can occur as a result of a viral infection, or due to a loss of hearing over time caused by a disease, nerve damage, or injury caused by noise.
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3 early signs of deafness

3 early signs of deafness

Hearing loss in adults can occur due to genes or can be acquired from an illness or can be due to aging. For many adults, the onset and progression of deafness can extend over a  long time. One’s family and friends are likely to be the first to notice some difficulty in hearing, long before the person does.
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