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Common Causes of Proteinuria

Common Causes of Proteinuria

Protein in urine, or proteinuria as it called in medical parlance, is a condition where a patient’s urine samples show excess protein. It is essential to identify the presence or absence of protein while carrying out tests to analyze an individual’s urine. Finding low levels of protein in the urine is normal.
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Importance of Getting Vaccinated for Pneumonia

Importance of Getting Vaccinated for Pneumonia

While getting vaccinated for pneumonia does not guarantee you of immunity, it significantly lowers your chances of catching the disease. Pneumonia is a lung infection which causes breathing difficulties. Even if you do suffer pneumonia after taking a vaccine, you are likely to have a much milder case of the disease than someone who has not been vaccinated for pneumonia.
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Common Symptoms and Treatments of Watery Eyes

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Watery Eyes

Eyes are very sensitive to external stimuli and any irritation or allergy can cause watery eyes. Watery eyes from allergies are a common phenomenon and occur when the eyes come in contact with certain environmental allergens such as dust, pollens from weeds and grass, mites, certain indoor allergens, contact lenses, and cosmetics.
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Common Causes of Blood Vessel Burst in the Eye

Common Causes of Blood Vessel Burst in the Eye

We all know that the human eye is one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, and one of the most important parts of the eye is the conjunctiva, which is a transparent tissue that covers the eye. Numerous tiny blood vessels are located in the conjunctiva and in the space between the conjunctiva and the underlying white part of the eye, known as the sclera.
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Factors that Determine Your Gut Health

Factors that Determine Your Gut Health

Defecation is a natural process of the body. When you eat your stomach full, and it is digested and absorbed by the body for producing energy, the leftovers that cannot be used by the body come out in the form of poop. Most of the people are uncomfortable talking about this natural process, but the fact is that there are a lot of factors that can govern the health of your gut and defecation formulates as one of the most critical factors that can help you determine if everything is right with the digestive system of your body.
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5 Common Causes of Double Vision

5 Common Causes of Double Vision

Normally, most people neglect their eyes when they function well. However, there is a complex process that goes on in order to make your eyes work smoothly. If there is any sort of dysfunction in any of the components of the eyes, then you may start panicking because you may start seeing things double.
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