Home - Concussion
Home remedies to treat a concussion

Home remedies to treat a concussion

Concussion is a condition that happens when the head suffers a physical condition. Concussion, typically, is a short loss of normal brain functioning ability. A concussion is usually seen as a minor injury by most people. Treating a concussion can be difficult with regards to the magnitude of the injury.
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Causes and signs of a concussion

Causes and signs of a concussion

TBI, also known as a Traumatic Brain Injury could be caused by a blow or hit to the head or a hit to the body where even the head and the brain get affected and move back and forth rapidly. Concussion is what happens as a result when the brain moves rapidly in the skull.
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Ways to treat a concussion

Ways to treat a concussion

The brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid, which acts as a cushion against the skull (the hard outer layer that protects the organ from injuries). A concussion typically occurs when the brain hits the skull due to a head injury. Even if there are no visible symptoms initially, one should get examined after suffering a head injury and then seek treatment to prevent health complications associated with a concussion.
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